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​We provide comprehensive environmental monitoring solutions, including software, equipment, and services, for highly regulated industries meeting or exceeding regulatory compliance frameworks around the world.

We provide comprehensive environmental monitoring solutions, including software, equipment, and services, for highly regulated industries meeting or exceeding regulatory compliance frameworks around the world.

Meet & Maintain Your Environmental Monitoring Needs

Industry Leading Solutions

Over 100 years of excellence in helping out customers achieve their environmental compliance monitoring needs


of Fortune 100 Companies Served


Savings with Monitoring Optimisation


End Users Served

Do you have a specific monitoring need? Check if an application below addresses it. Or you can always talk to one of our experts.

Solutions By Application

Ensure vaccine quality with continuous temperature monitoring from manufacturing to administration. Vaccine potency and safety relies on proper handling, storage and maintaing strict environmental conditions.

Vaccine Monitoring 

Meet international, HACCP, GMP, and FSMA requirements with real-time food safety monitoring. From farm to table, keep track of the essential data to ensure food safety and to meet strick regulatory controls.

Food Safety Monitoring 

Gain end-to-end visibility in your supply chain with loT and continuous monitoring systems. Enable strict compliance with regulations and gain operational excellence in your supply chain.

Supply Chain Monitoring 

Protect the value and quality of your products and assests stored in warehouses and deports with the right enviornment monitoring systems and 24/7 real time alerts for critcal conditions

Warehouse Environment Monitoring 

Maintain end-to-end cold chain integrity for temperature-sensitive goods throughout the supply chain. Enable real-time cold chain monitoring using loT-based continuous temperature monitoring systems.

Cold-Chain Monitoring 

Delivering Solutions For Industry Leaders